About Bor
While we all know Bor for his ideal male form and his
athletic achievements there is more to him than meets the eye, for example do you know he
owns an Audi Quattro...yes it is true, yes it is drivable and yes he still drives
like a 80 year old grandma that just survived her third hearth attack.
But lets be serious for a second and not forget his extreme devotion and discipline when it comes
to smoking Marlboro Red cigarettes, some say he is the reason
dinosaurs went extinct as he got drunk at all you can smoke buffet
and blocked out the sun with all of the smoke from his
Marlboro Red cigarettes.
But while that may be just rumors he does hold the world record in speed smoking
while one naked gay man is attacking him...but in all honesty the naked guy wasn't invited,
just a happy little accident.
Luckily Bor's asshole did make a full recovery.
For more information please visit this Bor's
Wikipedia page.
Bor's Charity Work
Firstly for Bor word work does not exist when it comes to charity as
he takes great pleasure in helping fellow humans, if we where to list all the great charitable works he
has graced us with over the years the list would probably be longer than a horses penis
so I have taken some of the greatest works he had detailed in his memoirs.
Who could forget the time when he was backpacking in Peru and how he helped the local loggers clear the rainforest and
relocate the natives, when he accidentally set it on fire while demonstrating his smoking abilities to the natives.
And how he suppressed hunger of some starving children in South Sudan by giving them a half smoked pack of
Marlboro Red cigarettes.
Lastly we cannot forget his great work for gender equality with his genus he enabled women of Iran to
freely smoke Marlboro Red cigarettes even while wearing full ninja suits
as he liked to refer to niquab (or hijab). How did he achieve this you might ask, well he devised and
ingenious solution by poking a hole in ninja mask where the mouth is in order for
Marlboro Red cigarette to be comfortably smoked while in their fancy
ninja suits.
Truly a great man and national treasure Bor is, if you would
like to know more about his adventures I would strongly recommend you to take a look at his full
memoirs here.
Bor's exploits in pornographic arts is far and wide as he birthed a new branch of pornography called
PorBorgrafy, but let's not discuss this here as this is child friendly site.
Now lets talk gay porn, while Bor did dabble a bit in heterosexual porn he
really matured as a porn star when he transitioned into homosexual porn with multiple men very often some farm animals
and of course who could forget his signature move with burning circle, three midgets and
a pack of Marlboro Red cigarettes.
For more enthusiastic readers I have compiled some of his exploits into a list located